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"There has never been a time of greater promise, or greater peril.”

Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum

The last 5 years have seen an explosion in the legal tech market. Commentators have opined that some 1,500 solutions are now available in the market place; with developers from across the globe in all the key markets from Australia to the Nordics, a thousand flowers have truly bloomed. This has led to a number of GCs privately conceding they are 'snowtech blind' and feel overwhelmed by the choice available. We can help decipher the nomenclature and advise on the interoperability of legal technology solutions. Importantly, we will always look for the most relevant affordable solutions, seeking to utilise existing enterprise systems or low-cost products in order to preserve our client's budget.

Technology is an enabler and not a cure for poor process and a bad resourcing strategy. That is why we weave the assessment of technology into its overall model for in-house team efficiency and effectiveness, the ICE model. The Isambard ICE model comprises three pillars:

  • Information: Creating a communications framework which deals with the multi-faceted relationships an in-house team has; this ranges from communication within the divisional legal teams in addition to their relationship with the wider legal function, to the relationship with their internal client base and external legal providers. We will help build the communication framework which may be supported by the introduction of new or existing enterprise technology products.


  • Commoditisation: Creating and/or reviewing precedents and legal/business interface processes (including devolvement of drafting to business) with potential to support through the introduction of legal technology products and/or a managed legal service offering.


  • Education: In-house Legal Team: Creating a legal technical and business skills programme for lawyer development. In-house Legal Team Clients: Creating training programmes and products to promote a ‘prevention rather than cure’ approach to the delivery of legal services.

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